Cadena Growth Partners

Linking innovation, experience, and insights to precise, governed, structured, and repeatable processes, to create value at pace Envision Your Next Growth Horizon

Quantum Growth

Transformative and unprecedented change is accelerating, with organisations facing more uncertainty and asymmetrical challenges than ever before. The need to transform and explore growth beyond core offerings and business models is critical. Business leaders are however not equipped, nor empowered to source and invest into opportunities beyond their organisation’s core offering. They are unable to participate in adjacent opportunities, disruptive IP, new trends, or to build new paths to growth, thereby missing out on potentially transformative opportunities.

Growth Strategy

As leaders in transformative growth strategies, we create unique, quantifiable, tangible, and executable strategies and pathways to new growth opportunities for organisations. We go beyond the obvious to find the links to high growth opportunities, trends, IP and partnering opportunities.

Establish Your Innovation & Growth Programme

We have helped leading and iconic organisations define and activate successful growth programmes, configured for purpose. Our support ranges from defining the granular and critical components of a growth strategy and programme, to opportunity sourcing, development, and investment. Growth programmes can also be configured to prototype, activate, and commercialise new high-growth opportunities.

Run Your Innovation & Growth Programme

We go beyond helping organisations to develop their growth strategies and activate their growth programmes. We provide the capabilities to manage organisations’ corporate venturing initiatives and funds, and to run their entire growth programmes with our resources. We set up the growth office, activate and run the growth programme, and oversee the venturing investments against the organisation’s growth mandate. The organisation’s leadership remains actively involved on the investment decisions.

Innovation Diagnostic

We provide organisations with a comprehensive assessment of their innovation and growth strategies, opportunity portfolios and associated structures. We leverage our deep experience from having conceptualised, activated, and run numerous innovation and growth programmes, to assess their initiatives against a structured framework. Our assessment will provide valuable insights on how to strengthen growth initiatives, supported by a sequence of sprints to get programs back on track.

Foresight Platform to Sense The Future

We provide organisations with business foresight and perspective, with our ‘plug-and-play' sensing tools and capabilities. This provides organisations with a 'sensing' capability to identify trends, synthesise their relevance and undertake assessments into selected opportunities. This offers an initial understanding of opportunities that could have the biggest impact on the organisation, from new untapped potential value to an existential threat.

Innovation & Growth Capability Building

Executives are doubtful of their organisation’s readiness to respond to accelerating digital innovation, megatrends, and potential disruption. We provide the insight, resources, tools and networks to assist organisations to equip and expose their business leaders and growth teams to the correct capabilities and mindsets.